Solutions Consultant

29 days ago

San Francisco, California, United States, Washington, District of Columbia, United States

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**Job Openings**

**Students**: we are currently working on Intern applications and thank you for your interest.

Important Note to Job Seekers

We have recently become aware of fraud and phishing attempts related to hiring at WeaveGrid. Individuals claiming to represent WeaveGrid or posing as our employees are contacting job seekers. These deceptive tactics include messages with fake job descriptions, interview invitations which lead to interviews through Skype messaging, and fraudulent letters offering positions with our company.

These individuals may ask that you provide sensitive information and/or make purchases for what they claim is for the company. Here at WeaveGrid, we take fraud and phishing attempts seriously. To help you navigate our hiring process securely, please keep the following points in mind:

  • **Confirmation Email**: When you apply for a position at WeaveGrid, you will always receive a confirmation email from our applicant tracking system (Greenhouse).
  • **Email Verification**: If you receive an email regarding a role at WeaveGrid, please verify the email address is legitimate. WeaveGrid will only contact you from an email address and will never use Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, or any other non-official email account to communicate with potential candidates.
  • **Open Roles**: All roles at WeaveGrid that candidates can interview for will be posted as openings on this page.
  • **Interviews**: Our candidate review process is extensive and includes multiple rounds of interviews that are via video conference or in person before being extended a job offer.
  • **No Money Requests**: We will never ask you for money for any reason.

Concerns and Queries

If you have additional concerns about potentially fraudulent activity, consult the Help section of the platform from which an individual reached out to you (e.g., LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Indeed, etc).

Additional Information

If you're unsure about the validity of an available role, please refer to our official Careers page, view the openings below, or contact

Your security and confidence in our hiring process are of utmost importance to us. We appreciate your vigilance in safeguarding your personal information. Thank you for considering a career with us.

280 million cars are going electric in the U.S. We work with the industry leaders driving this transition so the all-electric future benefits everyone.

**Get in Touch**

2024 Weave Grid Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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San Francisco, United States

51 - 200

Sector: Transportation and mobility

Partner Employer

About this company

Founders:Apoorv Bhargava, John Taggart, Rebecca Wolkoff

Founded date:2018

Revenue:US$ 50 - 100 million

Investors:Climate Capital, Coatue, Collaborative Fund, Elemental Excelerator, Emerson Collective

Stage:Series B


WeaveGrid works with utilities, automakers, EVSEs, and EV owners to enable and accelerate the electrification of transportation. Using machine learning, optimization, and predictive analytics, our software solution solves several more

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