Assistant Traffic Engineer

1 Month ago

Rochester, Minnesota, United States

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Job Description

n Deadline: Open until filled

The City of Rochester is seeking an Assistant Traffic Engineer to join the Public Works Engineering Division. The selected candidate will be responsible for performing technical civil engineering work related to public infrastructure projects. Key responsibilities include conducting traffic investigations, managing traffic operations studies, providing recommendations, and creating work orders for implementing solutions in compliance with the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MnMUTCD).

The successful candidate will communicate and collaborate regularly with consultants, designers, contractors, sub-contractors, property owners, utility companies, other departments/divisions, and stakeholders involved in or affected by projects. Strong problem-solving skills are essential, and the individual will be required to make independent decisions while keeping the supervisor informed of any unusual or controversial issues.

Salary for this position ranges from $79,171 to $93,142 annually, with opportunities for advancement up to $116,429 per year. To apply, please visit the employer's site for more information.

Center for Watershed Protection

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Center for Watershed Protection

Center for Watershed Protection

Fulton, United States, + 1 more location(s)

11 - 50

Sector: Natural resources, land and water

About this company

Founded date:1992



The Center for Watershed Protection works to advance clean water resources and healthy ecosystems through responsible land and water management. Our experienced staff of scientists, planners and environmental professionals more

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