Lead Generation Intern

More than 6 months ago


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Job Description

The Lead Generation Intern eliminates friction and inefficiency for the Voltus sales team! This person is passionate about putting great leads into the hands of salespeople, and making our leads the best quality leads in the industry. If you love to create a well-oiled machine, collaborate with world-class market-facing teammates, and see the results of work through the ever-increasing productivity of those your support, then this is the role for you!### Key Responsibilities

  • Desire to become a process guru to support marketing and sales efforts, including developing and managing our lead generation processes
  • Supporting lead and account management process, data population, distribution, and hygiene
  • Proficiency at Microsoft Excel
  • Proficiency at or desire to learn Salesforce CRM At Voltus, we are proud to be an equal opportunity employer because we recognize that a diverse organization begins with a diverse candidate pool. This means we do not tolerate discrimination of any kind and are committed to providing equal employment opportunities regardless of your gender identity, race, nationality, religion, age, sexual orientation, veteran status, disability status, or marital status.


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United States, + 1 more location(s)

201 - 500

Sector: Energy

Partner Employer

About this company

Founders:Gregg Dixon, Matthew Plante

Founded date:2016

Revenue:US$ 50 - 100 million

Investors:Activate Capital Partners, Ajax Strategies, NGP Energy Technology Partners, Prelude Ventures

Stage:Series C Plus



Voltus provides cash-generating energy products to commercial, institutional, and industrial customers. The company name represents the "potential of us" to better manage energy through simple, cost-free energy management products. It...read more

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